Subota 23. Studeni 2024
Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima
1. Gumhalter, Branko.
Single and multiphonon atom-surface scattering in the quantum regime. // Physics Reports. 351 (2001) ; 1-159 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).
2. Kralj, Marko; Šiber, Antonio; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Valla, Tonica; Johnson, Peter; Woodruff, Philip.
Temperature dependence of photoemission from quantum well states in Ag/V(100): moving surface-vacuum barrier effects. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 64 (2001) , 8; (članak, znanstveni).
3. Milun, Milorad.
Electron in a box and ultrathin metallic films as probed by ARUPS. // Croatica chemica acta. 74 (2001) ; 887-902 (članak, znanstveni).
4. Šiber, Antonio; Gumhalter, Branko; Graham, Andrew; Toennies, Peter.
A He atoms scattering and theoretical study of the surface phonons of a simple benchmark system: Xe(111). // Physical Review B. 63 (2001) ; 115411(14) (članak, znanstveni).
5. Wiltner, Adalberta; Rosenhahn, Axel; Schneider, Joerg; Becker, Conrad; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Kralj, Marko; Wandelt, Klaus.
Growth of copper and vanadium on a thin Al2O3-fil on Ni3Al(111). // Thin solid films. 400 (2001) ; 71-75 (članak, znanstveni).
6. Gumhalter, Branko; Petek, Hrvoje.
Decoherence effects in propagation of optically generated electron-hole pairs in image potential states. // Surface science. 445 (2000) , 2-3; 195-208 (članak, znanstveni).
7. Valla, Tonica; Kralj, Marko; Šiber, Antonio; Milun, Milorad; Pervan, Petar; Johnson, D. Peter; Woodruff, D.Phil.
Oscillatory electron-phonon coupling in ultra-thin silver films on V(100). // Journal of physics : condensed matter. 12 (2000) , 28; L477 - L482 (članak, znanstveni).
8. Gumhalter, Branko; Langreth, David C.
Unified model of diffractive and multiphonon He atom scattering from adsorbates : Holstein renormalization of the interactions and the complete Debye-Waller factor. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 60 (1999) , 4; 2789-2809 (članak, znanstveni).
9. Gumhalter, Branko; Šiber, Antonio; Toennies, Jan Peter.
Recovery temperature for nonclassical energy transfer in atom-surface scattering. // Physical review letters. 83 (1999) ; 1375-1378 (članak, znanstveni).
10. Kralj, Marko; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad.
Growth, structure and properties of ultra-thin copper films on a V(110) surface. // Surface science. 423 (1999) , 1; 24-31 (članak, znanstveni).
11. Marijan, Dražen; Vuković, Marijan; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad.
Surface modification of stainless steel-304 electrode. 1. Voltammetric, rotating ring-disc electrode and XPS studies. // Croatica chemica acta. 72 (1999) , 4; 737-750 (članak, znanstveni).
12. Milun, Milorad; Pervan, Petar; Gumhalter, Branko; Woodruff, D.Phil.
Photoemission intensity oscillations from quantum well states in the Ag/V(100) overlayer system. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 59 (1999) , 7; 5170-5177 (članak, znanstveni).
13. Šiber, Antonio; Gumhalter, Branko; Braun, J.; Graham, A.P.; Bertino, M.F.; Toennies, J.P.; Woell, C.
Combined He-atom and theoretical study of the low energy vibrations of physisorbed monolayers of Xe on Cu(111) and Cu(001). // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 59 (1999) , 8; 5898-5914 (članak, znanstveni).
14. Šiber, Antonio; Gumhalter, Branko; Toennies, J.P.
Study of energy transfer in helium atom scattering from surfaces. // Vacuum. 54 (1999) , 1-4; 315-320 (članak, znanstveni).
15. Vehovar, Leopold; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad.
XPS investigation of corrosion-resistant films formed on alloyed cast steels. // Strojarstvo. 41 (1999) , 3-4; 111 - 116 (članak, znanstveni).
16. Vuković, Marijan; Marijan, Dražen; Čukman, Dunja; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad.
Electrocatalytic activity and anodic stability of electrodeposited ruthenium-rhodium coatings on titanium. // Journal of materials science. 34 (1999) , 4; 869-874 (članak, znanstveni).
17. Woodruff, D.P.; Milun, Milorad; Pervan, Petar.
Photoemission intensity variations from quantum well states in the Ag/V(100) single-monolayer overlayer structure. // Journal of physics. Condensed matter. 11 (1999) , 13; L105-L110 (članak, znanstveni).
18. Braun, J.; Fuhrmann, D.; Šiber, Antonio; Gumhalter, Branko; Woell, C.
Observation of a zone center gap in the longitudinal mode of an adsorbate layer: Xe on Cu(111). // Physical review letters. 80 (1998) , 1; 125-128 (članak, znanstveni).
19. Marijan, Dražen; Vuković, Marijan; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad.
Surface modification of Inconel-600 by growth of a hydrous oxide film. // Journal of applied electrochemistry. 28 (1998) , 1; 96-102 (članak, znanstveni).
20. Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Woodruff, D.P.
Interatomic resonant photoemission from quantum well states in ultra-thin films of Ag on V(100). // Physical Review Letters. 81 (1998) , 22; 4995-4998 (članak, znanstveni).
21. Pervan, Petar; Valla, Tonica; Milun, Milorad.
Structural and electronic properties of vanadium ultra-thin films on Cu(100). // Surface science. 397 (1998) , 1-3; 270-277 (članak, znanstveni).
22. Pervan, Petar; Valla, Tonica; Milun, Milorad.
Photoemission study of ultra-thin vanadium films on Cu(100). // Vacuum. 50 (1998) ; 245 (članak, znanstveni).
23. Radić, Nikola; Tonejc, Antun; Milun, Milorad; Pervan, Petar; Ivkov, Jovica; Stubičar, Mirko.
Preparation and structure of AlW thin films. // Thin Solid Films. 317 (1998) , 1-2; 96-99 (članak, znanstveni).
24. Braun, J.; Fuhrmann, D.; Bertino, M.; Graham, A.P; Toennies, J.P.; Woell, C.; Bilić, Ante; Gumhalter, Branko.
Multiphonon He atom scattering from Xe overlayers on Cu(111) and Cu(001) surfaces. // Journal of chemical physics. 106 (1997) , 23; 9922-9929 (članak, znanstveni).
25. Gumhalter, Branko; Bilić, A.
Multiphonon atom-surface scattering in the collision system He-Cu(001). // Surface science. 370 (1997) , 1; 47-54 (članak, znanstveni).
26. Pervan, Petar; Markert, Karl; Wandelt, Klaus.
Photoemission Of Xe Adsorbed On Si(111)7x7, Ag/Si(111), Au/Si(111) And O/Si(111) Surfaces. // Applied surface science. 108 (1997) , 3; 307-317 (članak, znanstveni).
27. Šiber, Antonio; Gumhalter, Branko.
Debye-Waller factor in He-Cu(001) collisions revisited: the role of the interaction potentials. // Surface Science. 385 (1997) , 2-3; 270-280 (članak, znanstveni).
28. Valla, Tonica; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Wandelt, Klaus.
Growth modes and electronic properties of copper ultra-thin films on a V(001) surface. // Surface science. 374 (1997) , 1-3; 51-60 (članak, znanstveni).
29. Aničić, Ante; Gumhalter, Branko.
Assessment of the role of quantal effects in the dynamics of stimulated desorption. // Surface science. 366 (1996) , 1; 193-208 (članak, znanstveni).
30. Braun, J.; Fuhrmann, D.; Toennies, J.P.; Woell, C.; Bilić, Ante; Gumhalter, Branko.
Multiphonon He atom scattering in He-Xe/Cu(111) collisions
. // Surface science. 368 (1996) , 1-3; 232-238 (članak, znanstveni).
31. Pervan, Petar; Valla, Tonica; Milun, Milorad; Hayden, A.B.; Woodruff, D.P.
Photoemission and inverese photoemission spectroscopy of V(100). // Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 8 (1996) , 23; 4195-4204 (članak, znanstveni).
32. Šeruga, Marijan; Metikoš-Huković, Mirjana; Valla, Tonica; Milun, Milorad; Hoffschultz H.; Wandelt, Klaus.
Electrochemical and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy studies of passive film on tin in
citrate buffer solution. // Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (1992). 407 (1996) , 1-2; 83-89 (članak, znanstveni).
33. Valla, Tonica; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Hayden, A. B.; Woodruff, D. P.
Electronic structure of silver and copper ultrathin films on V(100) - Quantum-well states. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter. 54 (1996) , 16; 11786-11795 (članak, znanstveni).
Ostali radovi u CC časopisima
Znanstveni radovi u drugim časopisima
1. Kralj, Marko; Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Schneider, Joerg; Rosenhahn, Axel; Wandelt, Klaus.
STM investigations of contaminated and clean V(100) surface. // Fizika A. 8 (1999) ; 123 - 130 (članak, znanstveni).
2. Pervan, Petar; Milun, Milorad; Woodruff, D.P.
Synchrotron radiation study of V(100). // Fizika A. 8 (1999) ; 35-44 (članak, znanstveni).
3. Jenko, Monika; Vodopivec, Franc; Viefhaus, Hans; Milun, Milorad; Valla, Tonica; Godec, Matjaž; Steiner-Petrovič, Darja.
Orientation dependent antimony segregation on FeSi alloy surfaces. // Fizika A. 5 (1996) ; 91-98 (članak, znanstveni).
4. Milun, Milorad.
Characterisation of ultrathin films by surface sensitive methods. // Kovine zlitine tehnologije. 30 (1996) , 3-4; 343-348 (članak, znanstveni).
5. Pervan, Petar; Valla, Tonica; Milun, Milorad.
Vanadium CVV Auger transition. // Solid state communications. 99 (1996) , 6; 393-397 (članak, znanstveni).
Sažeci u zbornicima skupova
1. Gumhalter, Branko.
Decoherence effects in propagation of optically generated electron-hole pairs in image potential states // .
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
2. Milun, Milorad.
Electron in a box and ultra-thin metallic films // Book of abstracts / Maksić, Z. (ur.).
Zagreb, 2000. 33-33 (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
3. Gumhalter, Branko.
Quantum model of heat transfer in single- and multiphonon gas-surface scattering : comparison of theory with experiment // .
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
4. Milun, Milorad.
Quantum size effects and the electronic structure of metallic adsorbates // Book of Abstracts
7th Conference on Materials and Technology / Jenko, M. (ur.).
Ljubljana : IMT, Ljubljana, 1999. (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
5. Milun, Milorad.
Quantum size effects and the electronic properties of metallic adsorbates // Gas-surface interactions: electronic structure, dynamics and reactivity / A. Winkler (ur.).
Graz, 1999. (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
6. Marijan, Dražen; Vuković, Marijan; Milun, Milorad; Pervan, Petar.
Stabilnost elektrokemijski modificiranih elektroda nehrđajućeg čelika 304 u kiselim i kloridnim otopinama // .
1997. 168-168 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
Neobjavljena sudjelovanja na skupovima
Magistarski radovi
Diplomski radovi
1. Buljan, Maja.
Istraživanje strukture V(100)(5x1)-O i Ag/V(100)(5x1)-O površina metodom difrakcije nisko-energetskih elektrona / diplomski rad.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, 17.10. 2000,
80 str. Voditelj: Pervan, Petar.
2. Gašparović, Goran.
Utjecaj dugodosežne komponente potencijala na Debye"Wallerov faktor pri raspršenjima atoma na površinama / diplomski rad.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički, 23.07. ,
51 str. Voditelj: Gumhalter, Branko.
3. Kralj, Marko.
Elektronska i strukturna svojstva ultra-tankih vanadijevih filmova na Cu(100) / diplomski rad.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, 25.02. 1997,
76 str. Voditelj: Pervan, Petar.
4. Šiber, Antonio.
Utjecaj karakteristika potencijala na Debye-Wallerov faktor u raspršenjima atoma na površinama / diplomski rad.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno"matematički, 02.07. ,
43 str. Voditelj: Gumhalter, Branko.
5. Mikšić, Vesna.
Kvantna stanja u ultra-tankim slojevima srebra na (100) površini vanadija / diplomski rad.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, 18.03. ,
64 str. Voditelj: Milun Milorad .