Subota 23. Studeni 2024
Poglavlja u knjizi
1. Tutiš, Eduard; Nikšić, Hrvoje; Barišić, Slaven.
Charge dynamics in cuprate superconductors // From quantum mechanics to technology / Z. Petru, Z. ; Przystawa, J. ; Repcewicz, K. (ur.).
Berlin : Heidelberg : Springer, 1997.
Str. 161-175.
Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima
1. Barišić, Osor-Slaven.
Variational study of the Holstein polaron. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 65 (2002) , 14; (članak, znanstveni).
2. Masenelli, B.; Tutiš, Eduard; Bussac, M. N.; Zuppiroli, L.
Numerical model for injection and transport in multilayers OLEDs. // Synthetic metals. 122 (2001) , 1; 141-144 (članak, znanstveni).
3. Tutiš, Eduard; Bussac, Marie-Noelle; Masenelli, Bruno; Zuppiroli, Libero.
Numerical model for organic light-emitting diodes. // Journal of Applied Physics. 89 (2001) , 1; 430-439 (članak, znanstveni).
4. Uzelac, Katarina; Glumac, Zvonko; Aničić, Ante.
Critical behavior of the long-range Ising chain from the largest-cluster probability distribution. // Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 63 (2001) , 2; (članak, znanstveni).
5. Bonča, Janez; Trugman, S.A.; Batistić, Ivo.
Holstein polaron. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 60 (1999) , 3; 1633-1642 (članak, znanstveni).
6. Glumac, Zvonko; Uzelac, Katarina.
Determination of the order of phase transitions in Potts model by the graph-weight approach. // Physica A. 271 (1999) , 1-2; 147-156 (članak, znanstveni).
7. Tutiš, Eduard; Bussac, M.N.; Zuppiroli, L.
Image force effects at contacts in organic light emitting diodes. // Applied physics letters. 75 (1999) , 24; 3880-3882 (članak, znanstveni).
8. Glumac, Zvonko; Uzelac, Katarina.
First-order transition in the one-dimensional three-state Potts model with long-range interactions. // Physical review E. 58 (1998) , 4; 4372-4376 (članak, znanstveni).
9. Kupčić, Ivan; Barišić, Slaven; Tutiš, Eduard.
Electric-field-gradient analysis of high T_c superconductors. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 57 (1998) , 14; 8590-8600 (članak, znanstveni).
10. Strouse, G.F.; Scott, B.; Swanson, B.I.; Saxena, A.; Batistić, Ivo; Gammel, J.T.; Bishop, A.R.
Tuning Dimensionality in Low-Dimensional Electronic Materials. // Chemical physics letters. 289 (1998) , 5/6; 559-566 (članak, znanstveni).
11. Tutiš, Eduard.
Comment on Description of Spin and Charge Domain Walls in Doped Perovskite-Type 3d Transition-Metal Oxides Based On Superexchange Interaction. // Physical review letters. 81 (1998) ; 2182 (članak, znanstveni).
12. Kupčić, Ivan; Barišić, Slaven; Tutiš, Eduard.
The EFG analysis of La2CuO4 and Ba2Cu3O7 based superconductors. // Journal de physique I. 6 (1996) ; 2291-2297 (članak, znanstveni).
Ostali radovi u CC časopisima
1. Uzelac, Katarina; Glumac, Zvonko.
Comment on "Potts model with long-range interactions in one dimension". // Physical review letters. 85 (2000) ; (komentar, znanstveni).
2. Smontara, Ana; Bilušić, Ante; Tutiš, Eduard; Berger, Helmuth; Levy, Frances.
Role of the Nb impurities on the thermal conductivity of (Ta1-xNbxSe4)2I alloys in the vicinity of the Peierls transition. // Physica. B, Condensed matter. 263/264 (1999) ; 779-783 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).
3. Smontara, Ana; Bilušić, Ante; Tutiš, Eduard; Berger, Helmuth; Levy, Frances.
Effect of doping on the transport properties of the quasi-one-dimensional system (TaSe4)2I. // Synthetic metals. 103 (1999) , 1/3; 2663-2666 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u drugim časopisima
1. Uzelac, Katarina; Aničić, Ante; Barišić, Osor Slaven.
Second-order phase transition induced by the quenched random dilution in 3D. // Fizika A. 8 (1999) , 4; 369-382 (članak, znanstveni).
2. Uzelac, Katarina; Glumac, Zvonko.
First-order phase tranisition in 1d Potts model with long-range interactions. // Fizika B : a journal of experimental and theoretical physics : general physics, nuclear physics, particles and fields. B6 (1997) , 3; 133 (članak, znanstveni).
Ostali radovi u drugim časopisima
Plenarna izlaganja
1. M. N. Bussac, E. Tutiš, L. Zuppiroli.
Charge Transport Modelling in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes // NIP17: International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies.
Springfield (VA) : The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2001. 554-556 (plenarno predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.
Sažeci u zbornicima skupova
1. K. Uzelac and A. Aničić.
The second-order phase transition induced by the
quenched random dilution in the 3D model // MECO 25,
Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics / M. Henkel (ur.).
Nancy : Universite Hanry Poincare, Nancy 1, 2000. O16 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
2. Tutiš, Eduard; Bussac, Marie-Noelle; Masenelli, Bruno; Zuppiroli, Libero.
A numerical molecular model for injection and transport in
multilayer organic-light emitting diodes // Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Minneapolis, March 2000 .
Woodbury (MN) : American Physical Society, 2000. E21.002 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
3. Barišić, Osor Slaven; Batistić, Ivo.
1D Holsteinov polaron s harmoničkom i anharmoničkom rešetkom // Knjiga sažetaka
Drugi znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva.
Zagreb : Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 1999. 27-27 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
4. Tutiš, Eduard; Bussac, Marie-Noelle; Zuppiroli, Libero.
Transport in organic light emitting devices // Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Woodbury (MN) : American Physical Society, 1999. LC01.06 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
5. Glumac, Zvonko; Uzelac, Katarina.
First-order phase-transitions in models with long-range interactions: numerical approach // Statphys 20 / A. Gervois, M. Gingold and D. Iagolnitzer (ur.).
Pariz, 1998. Po06/19 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
6. Uzelac, Katarina.
Low-dimensional models with long-range interactions:
Finite-range scaling and Monte Carlo simulations // Meco 23 / Maritan et al. (ur.).
Trst : ICTP, 1998. 26 (Invited talks) (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
7. Tutiš, Eduard; Nikšić, Hrvoje; Barišić, Slaven.
Charge dynamics in cuprate superconductors // From quantum mechanics to technology : proceedings of the XXXIInd Winter School of Theoretical Physics / Petru, Z. ; Przystawa, J. ; Repcewicz, K. (ur.).
1997. (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
Neobjavljena sudjelovanja na skupovima
1. Barišić, Osor Slaven; Batistić, Ivo.
Holstein model // .
(poster,neobjavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Magistarski radovi
Diplomski radovi
Druge vrste radova