Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija (CROSBI)

Četvrtak 2. Svibanj 2024

  Uredničke knjige

1. Neuroznanost : Znanost o mozgu : Uvod za učenike i studente / Morris, Richard; Fillenz, Marienne (ur.).
Liverpool : The British Neuroscience Association, 2003 (monografija).
  Poglavlja u knjizi

1. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
Moguća uloga gena FOXP2 u razvoju jezika i govora // Proizvodnja i percepcija govora : profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegovog sedamdesetog rođendana / Mildner, Vesna ; Liker, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb : Odsjek za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ; Odjel za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva ; FF Press, 2010. Str. 265-274.

2. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Maturation of Cerebral Connections and Fetal Behavior // Fetal Neurology / Pooh, Ritsuko K ; Kurjak, Asim (ur.).
Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2009. Str. 440-452.

3. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Early development of neuronal circutry of the human prefrontal cortex // The cognitive neuroscience / Gazzaniga, Michael S. (ur.).
Cambridge : A Bradford Book ; MIT Press, 2009. Str. 29-49.

4. Kostović, Ivica; Čuljat, Marko; Judaš, Miloš.
Structure and Plasticity : Relation to Suicidality // Lowering Suicide Risk in Returning Troops : Wounds of War / Wiederhold, Brenda K. (ur.).
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2008. Str. 23-32.

5. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Maduracion de las conexiones cerebrales y la conducta fetal // Conducta Fetal / Carrera, Jose M. ; Kurjak, Asim (ur.).
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. Str. 21-25.

6. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš; Petanjek, Zdravko.
Structural development of the human prefrontal cortex // Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience / Nelson, CA ; Luciana, M (ur.).
Cambridge : MIT Press, 2008. Str. 213-235.
  Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima

1. Huang, Hao; Jeon, Tina; Sedmak, Goran; Pletikos, Mihovil; Vasung, Lana; Xu, Xuming; Yarowsky, Paul; Richards, L.J.; Kostović, Ivica; Šestan, Nenad; Mori, Susumu.
Coupling diffusion imaging with histological and gene expression analysis to examine the dynamics of cortical areas across the fetal period of human brain development.. // Cerebral cortex. 23 (2013) , 11; 2620-2631 (članak, znanstveni).

2. Pletikos, Mihovil; Sousa, Andre; Sedmak, Goran; Meyer, Kyle; Zhu, Ying; Cheng, Feng; Li, Mingfeng; Kawasawa, Yuka; Šestan, Nenad.
Temporal Specification and Bilaterality of Human Neocortical Topographic Gene Expression. // Neuron. 81 (2013) , 2; 321-332 (članak, znanstveni).

3. Kwan, Kenneth Y.; Lam, Mandy M.S.; Johnson, Matthew B.; Dube, Umber; Shim, Sungbo; Rašin, Mladen-Roko; Sousa, André M.M.; Fertuzinhos, Sofia; Chen, Jie-Guang; Arellano, Jon I.; Chan, Daniel W.; Pletikos, Mihovil; Vasung, Lana; Rowitch, David H.; Huang, Eric J.; Schwartz, Michael L.; Willemsen, Rob; Oostra, Ben A.; Rakić, Paško; Heffer, Marija; Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš; Šestan, Nenad.
Species-dependent posttranscriptional regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the developing cerebral cortex. // Cell. 149 (2012) , 4; 899-911 (članak, znanstveni).

4. Judaš, Miloš; Petanjek, Zdravko; Kostović, Ivica.
Jelena Krmpotic-Nemanic (1921-2008) : contributions to human neuroanatomy. // Collegium antropologicum. 35 (2011) , S1; 345-349 (članak, znanstveni).

5. Kang, Hyojong; Kawasawa, Yuka; Cheng, Feng; Zhu, Ying; Xu, Xuming; Li, Mingfeng; Sousa, Andre; Pletikos, Mihovil; Meyer, Kyle; Sedmak, Goran; Guennel, Tobias; Snin, Yure; Johnson, Matthew; Krnik, Željka; Mayer, Simone; Fertuzinhos, Sofia; Umlauf, S.; Lisgo, S.N.; Vortmeyer, Anita; Weinberger, Daniel; Mane, Srikant; Hyde, Tom; Huttner, Anita; Reimers, Mark; Kleimann, Joel; Šestan, Nenad.
Spatio-temporal transcriptome of the human brain. // Nature. 478 (2011) , 7670; 483-489 (članak, znanstveni).

6. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran.
Developmental history of the subplate zone, subplate neurons and interstitial white matter neurons : relevance for schizophrenia. // International journal of developmental neuroscience. 29 (2011) , 3; 193-205 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

7. Petanjek, Zdravko; Judaš, Miloš; Šimić, Goran; Rašin, Mladen Roko; Uylings, Harry B.M.; Rakic, Pasko; Kostović, Ivica.
Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 (2011) , 32; 13281-13286 (članak, znanstveni).

8. Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša; Petanjek, Zdravko; Petrović, Davor; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Morphology, molecular phenotypes and distribution of neurons in developing human corpus callosum. // European journal of neuroscience. 23 (2010) , 9; 1423-1432 (članak, znanstveni).

9. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Pletikos, Mihovil.
Early history of subplate and interstitial neurons: from Theodor Meynert (1867) to the discovery of the subplate zone (1974). // Journal of anatomy. 217 (2010) , 4; 344-367 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

10. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Pletikos, Mihovil; Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša.
Populations of subplate and interstitial neurons in fetal and adult human telencephalon. // Journal of anatomy. 217 (2010) , 4; 381-399 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

11. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
The development of the subplate and thalamocortical connections in human fetal brain. // Acta paediatrica (Oslo). 99 (2010) , 8; 1119-1127 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

12. Vasung, Lana; Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša; Pletikos, Mihovil; Mori, Susumu; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Prominent periventricular fiber system related to ganglionic eminence and striatum in the human fetal cerebrum.. // Brain structure & function. 215 (2010) , 3/4; 237-253 (članak, znanstveni).

13. Fertuzinhos, Sofia; Krsnik, Željka; Kawasawa, Yuka Imamura; Rašin, Mladen-Roko; Kwan, Kenneth; Chen, Yie-Guang; Judaš, Miloš; Hayashi, Masaharu; Šestan, Nenad.
Selective Depletion of Molecularly Defined Cortical Interneurons in Human Holoprosencephaly with Severe Striatal Hypoplasia. // Cerebral cortex. 19 (2009) , 9; 2196-2207 (članak, znanstveni).

14. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Radoš, Marko; Sarnavka, Vladimir; Fumić, Ksenija; Willer, Tobias; Gross, Claudia; Hehr, Ute; Strahl, Sabine; Ćuk, Martin; Barić, Ivo.
POMT-1 associated Walker-Warburg syndrome: A disorder of dendritic development of neocortical neurons. // Neuropediatrics. 40 (2009) ; 6-14 (članak, znanstveni).

15. Petanjek, Zdravko; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica; Uylings, Harry B.M.
Lifespan alterations of basal dendritic trees of pyramidal neurons in the human prefrontal cortex: a layer-specific pattern. // Cerebral cortex. 18 (2008) , 4; 915-929 (članak, znanstveni).

16. Judaš, Miloš; Cepanec, Maja.
Adult structure and development of the human fronto-opercular cerebral cortex (Broca's region). // Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 21 (2007) , 11-12; 975-989 (članak, znanstveni).

17. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Transient patterns of cortical lamination during prenatal life: do they have implications for treatment?. // Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 31 (2007) , 8; 1157-1168 (članak, znanstveni).
  Znanstveni radovi u drugim časopisima

1. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Kostović, Ivica.
The significance of the subplate for evolution and developmental plasticity of the human brain.. // Frontiers in human neuroscience. 7 (2013) ; 453-1-453- (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

2. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Kostović, Ivica.
The significance of the subplate for evolution and developmental plasticity of the human brain. // Frontiers in human neuroscience. 7 (2013) ; 423-1-423-9 (članak, znanstveni).

3. Judaš, Miloš.
F.K. Studnička (1894): Fishes and amphibians also have the cerebral cortex. // Translational Neuroscience. 2 (2011) , 1; 79-89 (članak, znanstveni).

4. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran.
Purkynĕ’s contribution to neuroscience and biology: Parti I. // Translational Neuroscience. 2 (2011) , 3; 270-280 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

5. Judaš, Miloš; Pletikos, Mihovil.
A note on the sea-horse in the human brain. // Translational Neuroscience. 1 (2010) , 4; 335-337 (članak, znanstveni).

6. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Maturation of cerebral connections and fetal behavior. // Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2 (2008) , 3; 80-86 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).

7. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
"Motoričko polje za govor" nekad i danas: od klasičnog modularnog "središta" do čvorne i supramodalne sastavnice višestrukih neuronskih mreža. // Liječnički vjesnik. 129 (2007) ; 401-406 (članak, znanstveni).
  Kongresno priopćenje (sažeci) u ostalim časopisima

1. Ćosić, Krešimir; Popović, Siniša; Kukolja, Davor; Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
Virtual reality adaptive stimulation of limbic structures in mental readiness training // Abstracts from the 15th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference ; u: Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation 3 (2010) (2).
2010. 129-131 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

2. Kostović, Ivica; Štern-Padovan, Ranka; Škrablin-Kućić, Snježana; Ozretić, David; Čuljat, Marko; Judaš, Miloš; Radoš, Marko.
In utero MR imaging of limbic cortical regions in the human fetal brain // Neurologia Croatica.
113-113 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

3. Bene, Raphael; Sedmak, Goran; Judaš, Miloš.
Development of morphological types and dendritic arborization of nitrinergic neurons in human neostriatum // Neurologia Croatica.
2007. 116-117 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

4. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Mladinov, Mihovil; Krušlin, Božo.
New neuropathological findings in case of alobar holoprosencephaly // Neurologia Croatica.
2007. 117-118 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

5. Kostović, Ivica; Radoš, Marko; Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša; Judaš, Miloš.
Correlated histological, in vitro and in vivo MR study of thalamocortical pathways in the somatosensory cortex of the preterm infant // Neurologia Croatica vol. 56, suppl. 2.
2007. 112-112 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

6. Vasung, Lana; Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš.
In vivo MRI analysis of the sexual dimorphism of the human corpus calosum // Neurologia Croatica vol. 56, suppll 2..
2007. 111 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
  Sažeci u zbornicima skupova

1. Petanjek, Zdravko; Judaš, Miloš; Uylings, Harry BM; Kostović, Ivica.
Postadolescent circuitry organization in the human prefrontal cortex: implications for mental disorders // XVIII. European Federation for all Psychiatric Trainees (EPTF) Forum Dubrovnik, 2-5.6.2011., Abstract Book pg 21-24..
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

2. Radoš, Milan; Vasung, Lana; Radoš, Marko; Bartolić Spajić, Branka; Popović, Siniša; Ćosić, Krešimir; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Pilot fMRI study of deployment-ready and novice soldiers mental involvement to presentation of real-life combat videos // Sinapsa Neuroscience Conference ‘11 Central European FENS Featured Regional Meeting: Book of Abstracts / Osredkar, Damjan ; Koritnik, Blaž ; Pelko, Miha (ur.).
Ljubljana : Slovenian Neuroscience Association (SiNAPSA), 2011. 125-125 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

3. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
Neural correlates of early language development: The development of Broca`s region // .
(predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

4. Kostović, Ivica; Judaš, Miloš; Petanjek, Zdravko.
Neuronal phenotypes in transient cellular zones of the developing human neocortex. // Cajal Club Internation Symposium: Camilo Golgi and Modern Neuroscience. Pavia, Italy, 2009, Abstract Book.
Pavia, 2009. 79 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

5. Sedmak, Goran; Judaš, Miloš.
Neuronal morphology and organization of cerebral cortex in Walker-Warburg lissencephaly type II // Neurogenomics and neuroimaging of developmental disorders Abstract book.
2009. 82-82 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak).

6. Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša; Petrović, Davor; Petanjek, Zdravko; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Morphology, molecular phenotypes and spatiotemporal distribution of neurons in developing and adult human corpus callosum // Neuroscience 2008, 15-19.11, Washington, USA.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

7. Judaš, Miloš.
Neurodevelopmental follow-up of “ at risk” children // .
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

8. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
Postnatal development of magnopyramidality in the human fronto-opercular cortex: A quantitative analysis // .
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

9. Džaja, Domagoj; Ažman, Dražen; Judaš, Miloš.
Prenatal development of nitrinergic neurons in the human basal forebrain // 6th Forum of European Neuroscience ABSTRACT BOOK.
20-20 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

10. Džaja, Domagoj; Ažman, Dražen; Judaš, Miloš.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

11. Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Bene, Raphael.
Development of morphological types and dendritic arborization of nitrinergic neurons in the human neostriatum // 6th Forum of European Neuroscience ABSTRACT BOOK.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak).

12. Pletikos, Mihovil; Roginić, Siniša; Vasung, Lana; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Compartmental classification of transient cell populations in the human fetal telencephalon // 6th Forum of European Neuroscience ABSTRACT BOOK.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak).

13. Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša; Petrović, Davor; Judaš, Miloš; Kostović, Ivica.
Transition from regional to areal specification of the developing human prefrontal cortex is characterized by the presence of transient belt of MAP2-positive pyramidal cells in the cortical plate. // 6th Forum of European Neuroscience ABSTRACT BOOK / FENS Organization (ur.).
2008. Vol 4, 008.23 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

14. Sedmak, Goran; Mladinov, Mihovil; Krušlin, Božo; Judaš, Miloš.
New neuropathological findings in holoprosencephaly // 6th Forum of European Neuroscience ABSTRACT BOOK.
2008. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

15. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
Development of the Human Fronto-opercular Cerebral Cortex (Broca's Region) // Book of abstracts of the 6th Graz Symposium on Developmental Neurology : Eary Developmental Transformations.
Graz, 2007. 43-43 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).

16. Cepanec, Maja; Judaš, Miloš.
Adult structure and development of the human fronto-opercular cerebral cortex (Broca`s region) // Neurologia Croatica / Ivkić, Goran ; Judaš, Miloš ; Klarica, Marijan ; Kostović, Ivica ; Šimić, Goran ; Petanjek, Zdravko (ur.).
Zagreb, 2007. 114-115 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
  Neobjavljena sudjelovanja na skupovima

1. Judaš, Miloš.
Evolution and development of uniquley human brain: Life history framework // Neurogenomics and neuroimaging of developmental disorders abstract book.
2009. 28-28 (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,ppt prezentacija,znanstveni).

2. Judaš, Miloš.
Neurodevelopmental follow-up of “ at risk” children // .
(predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,ppt prezentacija,znanstveni).

3. Judaš, Miloš.
Laminar development of the human cerebral cortex // .
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,ppt prezentacija,znanstveni).

4. Judaš, Miloš.
Neuroanatomy of human fetal cerebral cortex // .
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,ppt prezentacija,znanstveni).

5. Judaš, Miloš; Petanjek, Zdravko.
Muško-ženski mozak // Festival znanosti.
Zagreb, 2008. (predavanje,neobjavljeni rad,znanstveni).

6. Judaš, Miloš.
Development and evolution of human brain in the life history // Early Developmental transformation.
2007. 43-43 (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,ppt prezentacija,znanstveni).

1. Sedmak, Goran.
Razvojno porijeklo intersticijskih neurona i regionalne razlike u njihovoj raspodjeli, brojnosti i fenotipovima u mozgu čovjeka / doktorska disertacija.
Zagreb : Medicinski fakultet, 13.09. 2013, 107 str. Voditelj: Judaš, Miloš.

2. Cepanec, Maja.
Kvantitativna analiza citoarhitektonike fronto-operkularnog područja ljudskog mozga u prenatalnom, predjezičnom i ranom jezičnom razdoblju / doktorska disertacija.
Zagreb : Interdisciplinarni sveučilišni poslijediplomski studij "Jezik i kognitivna neuroznanost", 07.04. 2009., 350 str. Voditelj: Judaš, Miloš ; Ljubešić, Marta.