Utorak 26. Studeni 2024
Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima
1. Blaauw, M.; Campbell, J.L.; Fazinić, Stjepko; Jakšić, Milko; Orlić, Ivo; Van Espen, P.
The 2000 IAEA intercomparison of PIXE spetrcum analysis software. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 189 (2002) ; 113-122 (članak, znanstveni).
2. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Medunić, Zvonko; Car, Tihomir; Pracek, B.
Characterization of amorphous silicon carbon alloys by IBA technique and optical spectroscopy. // Vacuum. 67 (2002) ; 519-523 (članak, znanstveni).
3. Jakšić, Milko; Bošnjak, Željka; Gracin, Davor; Medunić, Zvonko; Pastuović, Željko; Vittone, Ettore; Nava, F.
Characterisation of SiC by IBIC and other IBA techniques. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 188 (2002) ; 130-134 (članak, znanstveni).
4. Nsouli, B.; Roumie, M.; Zahraman, K.; Thomas, J.-P.; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Dole, P.; Nasreddine, M.
PIXE, micro-PIXE and RBS analysis of thermal aged rubber material: On the additives behaviour versus aging time. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 198 (2002) ; 201-207 (članak, znanstveni).
5. Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Benka, Oswald.
Određivanje udarnih presjeka za odbijanje jezgara H ionima He u energijskom rasponu od 2.5-4.5 MeV i kuteve od 30 do 60 stupnjeva. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 174 (2001) ; 25-32 (članak, znanstveni).
6. Fazinić, Stjepko; Jakšić, Milko; Campbell, J.L.; Van Espen, P.; Blaauw, M.; Orlić, Ivica.
The 2000 IAEA test spectra for PIXE spectrometry. // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 183 (2001) , (3-4); 439-448 (članak, znanstveni).
7. Gracin, Davor; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Borjanović, Vesna; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Dutta, J. M.; Vlahović, Branislav; Nemanich, R. J.
Quantitative Analysis of a-Si1-xCx:H Thin Films by Vibrational Spectroscopy and Nuclear Methods. // Vacuum. 61 (2001) , 2-4; 303-308 (članak, znanstveni).
8. Gracin, Davor; Vlahović, Branislav; Borjanović, Vesna; Sunda-Meya, A.; Paterson, T.; Dutta, J. M.; Hauger, S.; Pinayev, I.; Ware, M. E.; Alexson, D.; Nemanich, R. J.; Roedern, B. von.
Selective bong breaking in amorphous hydrogenated silicon by using Duke FEL. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. 475 (2001) ; 635-640 (članak, znanstveni).
9. Jakšić, Milko; Borjanović, Vesna; Pastuović, Željko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Skukan, Natko; Pivac, Branko.
IBICC characterisation of defect structures in polycrystalline silicon. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 181 (2001) ; 298-304 (članak, znanstveni).
10. Lu, R; Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Vittone, E.; Jakšić, Milko.
Study of proton irradiation induced CVD diamond priming by lateral micro-ion beam induced charge technique
. // Materials Research Bulletin . 38 (2001) , (1-2); 47-55 (članak, znanstveni).
11. Pastuović, Željko; Jakšić, Milko.
Frontal IBICC study of the induced proton radiation damage in CdTe detectors. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 181 (2001) ; 344-348 (članak, znanstveni).
12. Pastuović, Željko; Jakšić, Milko; James, R.B.; Chattopadhyay, K.; Ma, X.; Burger, A.
Influence of electrical contacts on charge collection profiles in CdZnTe studied by IBIC
. // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
. 458 (2001) , (1-2); 254-261 (članak, znanstveni).
13. Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Medunić, Zvonko; Quartarone, E.; Mustarelli, P.
Microbeam studies of gel-polymer interfaces with Li anode and spinel cathode for Li ion battery applications using PIGE and PIXE spectroscopy. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 181 (2001) ; 404-407 (članak, znanstveni).
14. Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Steinbauer, E.; Benka O.
Elastic recoil detection analysis for large recoil angles (LA-ERDA). // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms. 170(1-2):163-170. 170 (2000) , 1-2; 163-170 (članak, znanstveni).
15. Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Capiglia, C.; Saito, Y.; Mustarelli, P.
External microbeam PIGE study of Li and F distribution
in PVdF/HFP electrolyte gel polymer for lithium battery application. // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in
Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms. 161 (2000) ; 614-618 (članak, znanstveni).
16. Bogdanović, Ivančica; Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Halabuka, Z.; Trautmann, D.
L-shell ionization of Cd, Sb, Te, Ba, La, Eu, Tb and Yb by ^16O ions in the energy range from 0.19 to 0.75 MeV u^-1. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 150 (1999) , 1-4; 18-26 (članak, znanstveni).
17. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Yang, C.; Borjanović, Vesna; Praček, Borut.
Quantitative analysis of a-Si_1-xC_x:H thin films. // Applied surface science. 145 (1999) ; 188-191 (članak, znanstveni).
18. Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Tadić, Tonči.
New developments in IBIC for the study of charge transport properties of radiation detector materials. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 158 (1999) , 1-4; 458-463 (članak, znanstveni).
19. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; LoGiudice, A.; Polesello, P.; Vittone, E.; Lu, R.; Jakšić, Milko.
Ion microbeam analysis of CVD diamond. // Diamond and related materials. 8 (1999) , 8-9; 1597-1601 (članak, znanstveni).
20. Mokuno, Y.; Horino, Y.; Tadić, Tonči; Terasawa, M.; Kinomura, A.; Chayahara, A.; Tsubouchi, N.
WDX-PIXE analysis of low energy X-rays using a microbeam. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B. Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 150 (1999) , 1-4; 109-113 (članak, znanstveni).
21. Orlić, Ivica; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Zhou Shijun; Sanchez, J.L.
Parametrization of the total photon mass attenuation coefficients for photon energies between 100 eV and 1000 MeV. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 150 (1999) ; 40-45 (članak, znanstveni).
22. Polesello, P.; Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Lu, R.; Vittone, E.; Lerondel, G.; Rossi, A.M.; Amato, G.; Boarino, L.; Galassini, S.; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko.
Micromachining of silicon with a proton microbeam. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B : Beam interactions with materials and atoms (Print). 158 (1999) , 1-4; 173-178 (članak, znanstveni).
23. Tadić, Tonči; Mokuno, Y.; Horino, Y.; Jakšić, Milko; Desnica-Franković, Dunja Ida; Trojko, Rudolf.
High-energy resolution PIXE study of heat induced changes in cadmium compounds using ion microbeam. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 158 (1999) , 1-4; 241-244 (članak, znanstveni).
24. Vittone, E.; Fizzoti, F.; Gargioni, E.; Lu, R.; Polesello, P.; LoGiudice, A.; Manfredotti, C.; Galassini, S.; Jakšić, Milko.
Evaluation of the diffusion length in silicon diodes by means of the lateral IBIC technique. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 158 (1999) , 1-4; 476-480 (članak, znanstveni).
25. Jakšić, Milko; Fazinić, Stjepko; Tadić, Tonči; Bogovac, Mladen; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Pastuović, Željko.
IBIC study of charge collection properties in Si(Li) detectors. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 138 (1998) ; 1327-1332 (članak, znanstveni).
26. Jakšić, Milko; Tadić, Tonči; Orlić, Ivica; Osipowicz, T.; Vittone, E.; Manfredotti, C.
Imaging of charge collection properties of CVD diamond using high-resolution ion beam induced charge technique with protons and alpha particles. // Diamond films and technology. 8 (1998) , 5; 391-398 (članak, znanstveni).
27. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Polesello, P.; Vittone, E.; Truccato, M.; Lo Giudice, A.; Jakšić, Milko; Rossi, P.
IBIC and IBIL microscopy applied to advanced semiconductor materials. // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms. 138 (1998) ; 1333-1339 (članak, znanstveni).
28. Mokuno, Y.; Horino, Y.; Tadić, Tonči; Terasawa, M.; Sekioka, T.; Chayahara, A.; Kinomura, A.; Tsubouchi, N.; Fujii, K.
High energy resolution PIXE analysis using focused MeV heavy ion beams. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 138 (1998) ; 368-372 (članak, znanstveni).
29. Pastuović, Željko; Jakšić, Milko; Tadić, Tonči; Oliaiy, P.
Deviations from Rutherford backscattering cross section for backscattering of 6^Li ions from fluorine between 2.5 and 7 MeV. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 138 (1998) ; 81-85 (članak, znanstveni).
30. Tadić, Tonči; Mokuno, Y.; Horino, Y.; Fujii, K.; Jakšić, Milko.
Energy straggling induced errors in heavy-ion PIXE analysis. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 138 (1998) ; 179-183 (članak, znanstveni).
31. Beketić-Orešković, Lidija; Jakšić, Milko; Orešković, Slavko; Osmak, Maja.
Hyperthermic modulation of resistance to cis-diammine-dichloroplatinum(II) in human larynx carcinoma cells. // International journal of hyperthermia. 13 (1997) , 2; 205-214 (članak, znanstveni).
32. Bogdanović, Ivančica; Fazinić, Stjepko; Jakšić, Milko; Šmit, Ž.
L-shell ionization of selected medium-Z elements by 0.22-0.83 MeV u-1 carbon ions. // Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics. 56 (1997) , 4; 2860-2867 (članak, znanstveni).
33. Bogdanović, Ivančica; Fazinić, Stjepko; Jakšić, Milko; Vittone, E.; Manfredotti, C.
Imaging of radiation detectors properties by IBIC. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 130 (1997) , 1-4; 513-517 (članak, znanstveni).
34. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Mirri, K.; Polesello, P.; Vittone, E.; Jakšić, Milko; Tadić, Tonči; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Pochet, T.
A micro-IBIC comparison between natural and CVD diamond. // Diamond and related materials. 6 (1997) , 2-4; 320-324 (članak, znanstveni).
35. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Vittone, E.; Rossi, P.; Egeni, G.; Rudello, V.; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko; Valković, Vladivoj.
Proton microbeam investigations on electrical properties of natural and CVD diamond. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 130 (1997) , 1-4; 491-497 (članak, znanstveni).
36. Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Dujmić, Denis; Bogdanović, Ivančica.
Depth resolution calculations for heavy-ion microbeam RBS analysis. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section B : beam interactions with materials and atoms. 130 (1997) , 1-4; 237-242 (članak, znanstveni).
37. Tadić, Tonči; Mokuno, Yoshiaki; Fujii, Kanenaga; Horino, Yuji; Brničević, Nevenka; Bašic, Ivan; Planinić, Pavica; Jakšić, Milko.
Application of chemical effects in X-ray spectra for characterization of the high-Tc superconductors. // Applied superconductivity. 5 (1997) , 1-6; 93-99 (članak, znanstveni).
38. Bogdanović, Ivančica; Fazinić, Stjepko.
L-shell x-ray production for Rh, Ag, Cd, Sb and I with protons in the energy range from 1.6 to 5.2 MeV. // Journal of physics. B, Atomic molecular and optical physics. 29 (1996) , 10; 2021-2031 (članak, znanstveni).
39. Bogdanović, Ivančica; Fazinić, Stjepko; Jakšić, Milko; Orlić, Ivica; Valković, Vladivoj.
L-subshell ionization of Eu, Gd and W by 1.6-5.2 MeV protons. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 109-110 (1996) ; 47-51 (članak, znanstveni).
40. Dujmić, Denis; Jakšić, Milko; Soić, Neven; Tadić, Tonči; Bogdanović, Ivančica.
3D hydrogen profiling using a proton microbeam. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 111 (1996) , 1-2; 126-132 (članak, znanstveni).
41. Fazinić, Stjepko; Tadić, Tonči; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko; Orlić, Ivica; Valković, Vladivoj.
K-shell ionization of V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu by 5-12 MeV carbon ions. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 114 (1996) , 3-4; 232-236 (članak, znanstveni).
42. Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Bogovac, Mladen; Fazinić, Stjepko; Galassini, Silvio; Kovačević, Kasim; Manfredotti, C.; Vittone, Ettore.
Testing of radiation detectors by IBIC imaging. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 113 (1996) , 1-4; 378-381 (članak, znanstveni).
43. Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Hopewell, J.W.; Wilkinson, J.H.; Valković, Vladivoj.
Regional biological dosimetry - radiation induced changes of elemental concentrations in hair. // Cellular and molecular biology. 42 (1996) , 1; 127-131 (članak, znanstveni).
44. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Polesello, P.; Trapani, P.P.; Vittone, Ettore; Jakšić, Milko; Fazinić, Stjepko; Bogdanović, Ivančica.
Investigation on the electric field profile in CdTe by ion beam induced current. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment. 380 (1996) , 1-2; 136-140 (članak, znanstveni).
45. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Vittone, Ettore; Boero, M.; Polesello, P.; Galassini, S.; Jakšić, Milko; Fazinić, Stjepko; Bogdanović, Ivančica.
Study of physical and chemical inhomogeneities in semiconducting and insulating materials by a combined use of micro-PIXE and micro-IBIC. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 109-110 (1996) ; 555-562 (članak, znanstveni).
46. Shokouhi, F.; Fazinić, Stjepko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko; Valković, Vladivoj; Afarideh, H.
M-shell X-ray production cross sections of Tb, Ho, Tm and Lu for protons of energy 2–6 MeV. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 109-110 (1996) ; 15-18 (članak, znanstveni).
47. Valković, Ozren; Bogdanović, Ivančica.
PIXE and XRF analysis of marine sediments. // Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 109-110 (1996) ; 488-492 (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u drugim časopisima
1. Jakšić, Milko; Paszti, F.; Kotai, A.; Fazinić, Stjepko.
Instrumentation for PIXE and RBS. // IAEA-TECDOC. 1190 (2000) ; 1-71 (članak, znanstveni).
2. Herak, Janko Nikola; Sanković, Krešimir; Krilov, Dubravka; Jakšić, Milko; Huettermann, Juergen.
Radiation energy transfer and trapping in single
crystals of hemihydrate and hydrochloride of 5-
methylcytosine doped with 5-methylcytosine - An EPR
study. // Radiation physics and chemistry (1993). 50 (1997) , 2; 141-148 (članak, znanstveni).
3. Kokanović, Ivan; Leontić, Boran; Lukatela, Jagoda; Dujmić, Denis; Jakšić, Milko.
Evaluation effects of nanoscale inhomogeneities on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-Co metallic glasses. // Fizika A. 6 (1997) ; 33-44 (članak, znanstveni).
4. Slovenec, Dragutin; Šiftar, Dubravko; Jakšić, Milko; Jurković, Ivan.
Strontium Dependence of the Lattice Constants of Barites from the Kreševo Area in Central Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina). // Geologia Croatica. 50 (1997) , 1; 27-32 (članak, znanstveni).
5. Tadić, Tonči; Mokuno, Y.; Horino, Y.; Jakšić, Milko.
Geometrical aberrations in the von Hamos and the plane Bragg crystal spectrometers. // International journal of PIXE. 7 (1997) , 3, 4; 117-133 (članak, znanstveni).
6. Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Dujmić, Denis; Fazinić, Stjepko; Tadić, Tonči.
Materials characterisation using nuclear microscopy. // Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu. 38 (1996) , 6; 249-254 (članak, znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.
1. Gracin, Davor; Dutta, J.M.; Borjanović, Vesna; Vlahović, Branimir; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko; Nemanich, R.J.
The chemical ordering in a-Si1-xCx:H thin films by vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear methods // Program and Proceedings NCPV Program Review Meeting.
Denver (CO) : NREL, Sandia National Laboratories, 2000. 225-226 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
2. Pivac, Branko; Etlinger, Božidar; Borjanović, Vesna.
Oxigen Influence on Carbon Redistribution in Thermally Treated EFG Poly-Si // Peoceedings of the Int. Conf. held at Vienna, Austria / J. Schmid, H.A. Ossenbrik, P. Helm, H. Ehmann, E.D. Dunlop (ur.).
Beč : Joint Research Centre, 1998. 1657-1660 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Drugi radovi u zbornicima skupova s recenzijom
Radovi u zbornicima skupova bez recenzije
1. Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Fazinić, Stjepko; Dujmić, Denis.
Proton micro-PIXE control of standard reference materials for PIXE environmental application // Proceedings, IAEA-SM-344/54 / IAEA (ur.).
IAEA, Vienna, 1997. 251-264 (predavanje,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Sažeci u zbornicima skupova
1. Borjanović, Vesna; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Pivac, Branko; Katz, Eugene.
IBIC studies of structural defect activity in different polycrystalline silicon material // Final programme and book of abstracts / Leisch, M. ; Winkler, A. (ur.).
Graz : HTU GmbH, 2002. 42-42 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
2. Gracin, Davor; Dubček, Pavo; Jakšić, Milko.
Nanostructual properties of amorphous silicon carbide by GISAX and optical spectroscopy // Book of Abstracts, ICTF 12, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 15-20, 2002 / Majkova, Eva; Luby, Štefan (ur.).
Bratislava : VEDA, Publishing House of SAS, 2002. 76 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
3. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Dubček, Pavo; Medunić, Zvonko.
Nano-structural properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon - carbon alloys by IBA technique, optical methods and GISAX // Book of Abstrtacts, JVC-9, Sloss Seggau , Leibnitz by Graz, June 16-20, 2002, / M.Leisch ; A.Winkler (ur.).
Graz : HTU GmbH, Graz University of technology, 2002. 34 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
4. Pivac, Branko; Borjanović, Vesna; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Zulim, Ivan; Vlahović, Branislav.
IBICC studies of polycrystalline silicon // Preliminary Program.
New Orleans (LA) : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2002. 1P25-1P25 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
5. Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko; Medunić, Zvonko; Pastuović, Željko.
3D profiliranje lakih elemenata u tankim slojevima // Knjiga sažetaka / Treći znanstveni sastanak hrvatskog fizikalnog društva / Jakšić, Milko ; Kokanović, Ivan ; Milošević, Slobodan (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatkso fizikalno društvo, 2001. 67 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
6. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Medunić, Zvonko; Gajović, Andreja; Pracek, B.
Characterization of amorphous silicon and silicon carbon alloys by IBA technique and optical spectroscopy // Book of abstracts / 7th European Vacuum Conference and 3rd European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings.
Madrid, 2001. 137 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
7. Gracin, Davor; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Borjanović, Vesna; Pastuović, Željko; Jakšić, Milko; Dutta, D.M.; Vlahović, Branimir, Nemanić, R.J.
Quantitative analysis of a-Si1-xCx:H thin films by vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear methods // 8th joint vacuum conference of Croatia, Austria, Slovenia and Hungary, final program and book of abstracts / Milun, M. ; Zorc, H. (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko Vakuumsko Društvo (HVD), 2000. 27-28 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
8. Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Pivac, Branko; Borjanović, Vesna.
IBIC characterisation of defect structures in polycrystalline silicon // 7th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Final Program and Abstracts.
Bordeaux : ICNMTA 2000, 2000. 33-33 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
9. Pastuović, Željko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Jakšić, Milko.
Frontal IBIC of CdTe radiation detectors and response to low energy gamma rays // 7th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Final Program and Abstracts.
Bordeaux : ICNMTA 2000, 2000. 81 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
10. Tadić, Tonči; Jakšić, Milko; Pastuović, Željko; Quartarone, E.; Mustarelli, P.
Microbeam studies of gel-polymer interfaces with Li anode and spinel cathode for Li ion battery application using PIGE and PIXE spectroscopy // 7th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Final Program and Abstracts.
Bordeaux : ICNMTA 2000, 2000. 86 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
11. Vittone, E.; Fizzotti, F.; Sanfilippo, C.; Manfredotti, C.; Jakšić, Milko.
Method based on the extended Ramo theorem to interpret charge collection efficiency profiles as determined by lateral IBICC // 7th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Final Program and Abstracts.
Bordeaux : ICNMTA 2000, 2000. 82 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
12. Henč-Bartolić, Višnja; Kovačević, Eva; Borjanović, Vesna; Pleslić Jovičić, Sanda.
Međudjelovanje laserskog snopa s poluvodičima i metalima // Knjiga sažetaka / Batistić I. (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 1999. 86 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
13. Jakšić, Milko; Tadić, Tonči; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Pastuović, Željko.
Međudjelovanja brzih iona i tvari, te njihove primjene u karakterizaciji i modifikaciji materijala // Knjiga sažetaka.
Zagreb : Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 1999. 74 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
14. Vlahovic, Branislav; Soldi, Angelaurelio; Borjanovic, Vesna; Jaksic, Milko; Sitar, Zlatko.
Diamond Microstrip Nuclear Detector // Bulletin of the American Physical Soc. / Barret H. Ripin (ur.).
Atlanta (GA) : APS, 1999. 1520 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
15. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Borjanović, Vesna.
Analiza slojeva silicij karbida infracrvenom spektroskopijom i RBS metodom // Zbornik sažetaka konferencije / Radić, Nikola (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko Vakuumsko Društvo (HVD), 1998. 16-16 (predavanje,sažetak,znanstveni).
16. Gracin, Davor; Jakšić, Milko; Yang, C.; Borjanović, Vesna; Praček, Borut.
Quantitative Analysis of a-Si1 x Cx:H Thin Films // Abstract Book / Phil Woodruff (ur.).
IUVSTA, 1998. 55 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
17. Manfredotti, C.; Fizzotti, F.; Polesello, P.; Vittone, E.; Jakšić, Milko; Bogdanović, Ivančica; Valković, V.
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