Neven Barišić (276012)
Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima
1. Kumar, C. M. N.; Akrap, A.; Homes, C. C.; Martino, E.; Klebel-Knobloch, B.; Tabis, W.; Barišić, O. S.; Sunko, D. K.; Barišić, N.
Characterization of two electronic subsystems in cuprates through optical conductivity. // Physical Review B. 107 (2023) , 14; (članak, znanstveni). 
2. Barišić, Neven; Sunko, Denis K.
High-T_c Cuprates: a Story of Two Electronic
Subsystems. // Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. 35 (2022) ; 1781-1799 (članak, znanstveni). 
3. Popčević, Petar; Utsumi, Yuki; Biało, Izabela; Tabis, Wojciech; Gala, Mateusz A.; Rosmus, Marcin; Kolodziej, Jacek J.; Tomaszewska, Natalia; Garb, Mariusz; Berger, Helmuth; Batistić, Ivo; Barišić, Neven; Forró, László; Tutiš, Eduard.
Role of intercalated cobalt in the electronic
structure of Co1/3NbS2. // Physical review. B. 105 (2022) ; (članak, znanstveni). 
4. Tolj, Davor; Ivšić, Trpimir; Živković, Ivica; Semeniuk, Konstantin; Martino, Edoardo; Akrap, Ana; Reddy, Priyanka; Klebel-Knobloch, Benjamin; Lončarić, Ivor; Forró, László; Barišić, Neven; Ronnow, Henrik M.; Sunko, Denis K.
Synthesis of murunskite single crystals: A bridge between cuprates and pnictides. // Applied Materials Today. 24 (2021) ; (članak, znanstveni). 
5. Chogondahalli Muniraju, Naveen Kumar; Baral, Raju; Tian, Yefan; Li, Rui; Poudel, Narayan; Gofryk, Krzysztof; Barišić, Neven; Kiefer, Boris; Ross, Joseph H.; Nair, Harikrishnan S.
Magnetocaloric Effect in a Frustrated Gd-Garnet with No
Long-Range Magnetic Order. // Inorganic chemistry. 59 (2020) , 20; 15144-15153 (članak, znanstveni).
6. Pelc, D.; Veit, M. J.; Dorow, C. J.; Ge, Y.; Barišić, N.; Greven, M.
Resistivity phase diagram of cuprates revisited. // Physical review. B.. 102 (2020) , 7; (članak, znanstveni). 
7. Li, Yangmu; Tabis, W.; Tang, Y.; Jaroszynski, J.; Barišić, Neven; Greven, M.
Hole pocket–driven superconductivity and its universal
features in the electron-doped cuprates. // Science advances. 5 (2019) ; (članak, znanstveni). 
8. Pelc, Damjan; Popčević, Petar; Požek, Miroslav; Greven, Martin; Barišić, Neven.
Unusual behavior of cuprates explained by
heterogeneous charge localization. // Science advances. 5 (2019) , 1; (članak, znanstveni). 
9. Yu, G.; Xia, D.-D.; Pelc, D.; He, R.-H.; Kaneko, N.-H.; Sasagawa, T.; Li, Y.; Zhao, X.; Barišić, N.; Shekhter, A.; Greven, M.
Universal precursor of superconductivity in the
cuprates. // Physical review. B.. 99 (2019) , 21; (članak, znanstveni). 
10. Pelc, Damjan; Vučković, Marija; Grbić, Mihael S.; Požek, Miroslav; Yu, Guichuan; Sasagawa, Takao; Greven, Martin; Barišić, Neven.
Emergence of superconductivity in the cuprates via a universal percolation process. // Nature Communications. 9 (2018) , 1; (članak, znanstveni). 
11. Li, Yangmu; Tabis, W.; Yu, G.; Barišić, Neven; Greven, M.
Hidden Fermi-liquid Charge Transport in the
Antiferromagnetic Phase of the Electron-Doped Cuprate
Superconductors. // Physical review letters. 117 (2016) ; (članak, znanstveni). 
12. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Eichler, M.; Berger, H.; Forró, Laszlo; Dressel, M.; Barišić, Neven; Tutiš, Eduard.
Scattering-dominated high-temperature phase of 1T−TiSe2 : An optical conductivity study. // Physical review. B. 94 (2016) , 7; (pregledni rad, znanstveni). 
13. Chan, K.H.; ...; Barišić, Neven; Greven, M.
In-Plane Magnetoresistance Obeys Kohler’s Rule in the Pseudogap Phase of Cuprate Superconductors. // Physical Review Letters. 113 (2014) ; 177005-1-177005-6 (članak, znanstveni).  
14. Tabis, W.; ...; Barišić, Neven; ...; Greven, M.
Charge order and its connection with Fermi-liquid charge transport in a pristine high-T-c cuprate. // Nature communications. 5 (2014) ; 5875-1-5875-4 (članak, znanstveni).  
15. Vishik, I.M.; Barišić, Neven; ...; Shen, Z.-G.
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of HgBa 2 CuO 4+δ. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89 (2014) ; 195141-1-195141-9 (članak, znanstveni).  
16. Wang, Shibing; ...; Barišić, Neven; ...; Geballe, Ted.
Strain derivatives of Tc in HgBa2CuO4+δ : The CuO2 plane alone is not enough. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89 (2014) ; 024515-1-024515 -7 (članak, znanstveni).  
17. Barišić, Neven; Badoux, S.; Chan, M.K.; Dorow, C.; Tabis, W.; Vignolle, B.; Yu, G.; Béard, J.; Zhao, X.; Proust, C.; Greven, M.
Universal quantum oscillations in the underdoped cuprate superconductors. // Nature physics. 9 (2013) ; 761-764 (članak, znanstveni). 
18. Barišić, Neven; Chan, Mun K.; Li, Y.; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Dressel, M.; Smontara, Ana; Greven, Martin.
Universal sheet resistance and revised phase diagram of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 (2013) , 30; 12235-12240 (članak, znanstveni).  
19. Doiron-Leyraud, N.; ...; Barišić, Neven; ...; Taillefer, Louis.
Hall, Seebeck, and Nernst Coefficients of Underdoped HgBa2CuO4+δ : Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in an Archetypal Cuprate Superconducto. // Physical Review X. 3 (2013) ; 021019-1-021019-7 (članak, znanstveni).
20. Li, Yuan; Le Tacon, M.; Matiks, Y.; Boris, A.V.; Loew, T.; Lin, C.T.; Chen, Lu; Chan, M.K.; Dorow, C.; Ji, L.; Barišić, Neven; Zhao, X.; Greven, M.; Keimer, B.
Doping-Dependent Photon Scattering Resonance in the Model High-Temperature Superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ Revealed by Raman Scattering and Optical Ellipsometry. // Physical Review Letters. 111 (2013) ; 187001-1-187001-6 (članak, znanstveni). 
21. Mirzaei, Seyed Iman; ...; Barišić, Neven; Dirk van der Marel.
Spectroscopic evidence for Fermi liquid-like energy and temperature dependence of the relaxation rate in the pseudogap phase of the cuprates. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 (2013) , 15; 5774-5778 (članak, znanstveni).  
22. Li, Y.; le Tacon, M.; Bakr, M.; Terrade, D.; Manske, D.; Hackl, R.; Ji, L.; Chan, M.K.; Barišić, Neven; Zhao, X.; Greven, M.; Keimer, B.
Feedback Effect on High-Energy Magnetic Fluctuations in the Model High-Temperature Superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ Observed by Electronic Raman Scattering. // Physical Review Letters. 108 (2012) , 22; 227003-1-227003-6 (članak, znanstveni).  
23. Li, Yuan; Yu, G.; Chan, M.K.; Baledent, V.; Li, Yangmu; Barišić, Neven; Zhao, X.; Hradil, K.; Mole, R.A.; Sidis, Y.; Steffens, P.; Bourges, P.; Greven, M.
Two Ising-like magnetic excitations in a single-layer cuprate superconductor. // Nature Physics. 8 (2012) ; 404-410 (članak, znanstveni).  
24. Barišić, Neven; Smiljanić, Igor; Popčević, Petar; Bilušić, Ante; Tutiš, Eduard; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Jacimović, J.; Yuli, O.; Forró, L.
High pressure study of transport in Co1/3NbS2. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84 (2011) , 7; 075157-1-075157-7 (članak, znanstveni). 
25. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Požek, Miroslav; Paar, Dalibor; Hinkov, Vladimir; Raichle, Markus; Haug, Daniel; Keimer, Bernd; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije.
Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals. // Physicsl Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 83 (2011) , 14; 144508-1-144508-12 (članak, znanstveni). 
26. Yuan, Li; Baledent, V.; Barišić, Neven; Cho, Y.C.; Sidis, Y.; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Bourges, P.; Greven, M.
Magnetic order in the pseudogap phase of HgBa2CuO4+δ studied by spin-polarized neutron diffraction. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84 (2011) ; 224508-1-224508-8 (članak, znanstveni).  
27. Yuan, Li; Egetenmeyer, N.; Gavilano, J.L.; Barišić, Neven; Greven, M.
Magnetic vortex lattice in HgBa2CuO4+δ observed by small-angle neutron scattering. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 83 (2011) , 5; 054507-1-054507-5 (članak, znanstveni).  
28. Barišić, Neven; Wu, D.; Dressel, M.; Li, L.J.; Cao, G.H.; Xu, Z.A.
Electrodynamics of electron-doped iron pnictide superconductors : Normal-state properties. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 82 (2010) , 5; 054518-1-054518-12 (članak, znanstveni). 
29. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije; Kupčić, Ivan; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Yu, Guichuan; Dressel, Martin; Greven, Martin; Požek, Miroslav.
Distinctive Behavior of Superconducting Fluctuations and Pseudogap in Nearly Optimally Doped Single Crystal of HgBa2CuO4+delta. // Physica. C, Superconductivity. 470 (2010) , S1; S228-S229 (članak, znanstveni). 
30. Hardy, F.; Hiller, N.J.; Meingast, C.; Colson, D.; Li, Y.; Barišić, Neven; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Greven, M.; Schilling, J.S.
Enhancement of the Critical Temperature of HgBa2CuO4+delta by Applying Uniaxial and Hydrostatic Pressure: Implications for a Universal Trend in Cuprate Superconductors. // Physical Review Letters. 105 (2010) , 16; 167002-1-167002-4 (članak, znanstveni). 
31. Wu, D.; Barišić, Neven; Dressel, M.; Cao G.H.; Xu, Z. A.; Carbotte, J.P.; Schachinger, E.
Nodes in the order parameter of superconducting iron pnictides investigated by infrared spectroscopy. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 82 (2010) ; 184527-1-184527-5 (članak, znanstveni).  
32. Wu D.; Barišić, Neven; Dressel, M.; Cao, G.H.; Xu, Z.-A.; Schachinger, E.; Carbotte, J.P.
Eliashberg analysis of optical spectra reveals a strong coupling of charge carriers to spin fluctuations in doped iron-pnictide BaFe2As2 superconductors. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 82 (2010) ; 144519-1-144519-5 (članak, znanstveni).  
33. Wu, D.; Barišić, Neven; Kalina, P.; Faridian, A.; Gorshunov, B.; Drichko, N.; Li, L.J.; Lin, X.; Cao, G.H.; Xu, Z.A.; Wang, N.L.; Dressel, M.
Optical investigations of the normal and superconducting states reveal two electronic subsystems in iron pnictides. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81 (2010) ; 100512(R)-1-100512(R)-4 (članak, znanstveni).  
34. Yuan, Li; Balent, V.; Yu, G.; Barišić, Neven; Hradil, K.; Mole, R.A.; Sidis, Y.; Steffens, P.; Zhao, X.; Bourges, P.; Greven, M.
Hidden magnetic excitation in the pseudogap phase of a high-T-c superconductor. // Nature. 468 (2010) ; 283-285 (pismo, znanstveni).  
35. Yu, G.; Li, Y.; Motoyama, E.M.; Zhao, X.; Barišić, Neven; Cho, Y.; Bourges, P.; Hradil, K.; Mole, R.A.; Greven, M.
Magnetic resonance in the model high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81 (2010) ; 064518-1-064518-5 (članak, znanstveni).  
36. Grbić, Mihael S.; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije; Kupčić, Ivan; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Yu, G.; Dressel, Martin; Greven, Martin; Požek, Miroslav.
Microwave measurements of the in-plane and c-axis conductivity in HgBa$_2$CuO$_{; ; 4+\delta}; ; $: Discriminating between superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap effects. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 80 (2009) , 9; 094511-1-094511-5 (članak, znanstveni). 
37. Sipos, B.; Duchamp, M.; Magrez, A.; Forró, László; Barišić, Neven; Kiš, A.; Seo, J. W.; Bieri, F.; Krumeich, F.; Nesper, R.; Patzke, G.R.
Mechanical and electronic properties of vanadium oxide nanotubes. // Journal of applied physics. 105 (2009) ; 074317-1-074317-5 (članak, znanstveni). 
38. Wu, D.; Barišić, Neven; Drichko, N.; Kaiser, S.; Faridian, A.; Dressel, M.; Jiang, S.; Ren, Z.; Li, L.J.; Cao, G.H.; Xu, Z.A.; Jeevan, H.S.; Gegenwart, P.
Effects of magnetic ordering on dynamical conductivity : Optical investigations of EuFe2As2 single crystals. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79 (2009) ; 155103-1-155103-10 (članak, znanstveni). 
39. Akrap, Ana; Stevanović, Vladan; Herak, Mirta; Miljak, Marko; Barišić, Neven; Berger, Helmuth; Forro, Laszlo.
Transport and magnetic properties of BaVSe3. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78 (2008) , 23; 235111-1-235111-11 (članak, znanstveni).  
40. Barišić, Neven; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Cho, Yong-Chan; Chabot-Couture, Guillaume; Yu, Guichuan; Greven, Martin.
Demonstrating the model nature of the high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+delta. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78 (2008) , 5; 054518-1-054518-7 (članak, znanstveni).
41. Li, Y.; Balédent, V.; Barišić, Neven; Cho, Y.; Fauqué, B.; Sidis, Y.; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Bourges, P.; Greven, M.
Unusual magnetic order in the pseudogap region of the superconductor HgBa(2)CuO(4+delta). // Nature. 455 (2008) ; 372-375 (članak, znanstveni). 
42. Smiljanić, Igor; Smontara, Ana; Bilušić, A.; Barišić, Neven; Stanić, Denis; Lukatela, Jagoda; Dolinšek, J.; Feuerbacher, M.; Grushko, B.
Thermal and electrical conductivities in Al-based complex metallic alloys. // Philosophical magazine (2003). 88 (2008) , 13/15; 2155-2162 (članak, znanstveni).
43. Akrap, A.; Barišić, Neven; Forro, Laszlo; Mandrus, D; Sales, B.C.
High-pressure resistivity and thermoelectric power in Yb14MnSb11. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 76 (2007) ; 085203-1-085203-4 (članak, znanstveni).  
44. Akrap, Ana; Barišić, Neven; Gaal, Richard; Forró, László.
Pressure-induced tuning of phase transition and role of disorder in electrical transport properties of -SrxV6O15. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 76 (2007) ; 235111-1-235111-7 (članak, znanstveni).  
45. Fazekas, P.; Barišić, Neven; Kézsmárki, I.; Demkó, L.; Berger, H.; Forró, L.; Mihály, G.
Magnetic-field-induced transition in BaVS3. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75 (2007) ; 035128-1-035128-5 (članak, znanstveni). 
46. Mitrović, Slobodan; Fazekas, P.; Sondergaard, C.; Ariosa D.; Barišić, Neven; Berger, H.; Cloetta D.; Forro, Laszlo; Hochst, H.; Kupčić, Ivan; Pavuna, Davor; Margaritondo, G.
Experimental electronic structure and Fermi-surface instability of the correlated 3d sulphide BaVS_3. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75 (2007) , 15; (članak, znanstveni). 
47. Sipos, B.; Barišić, Neven; Gaal, R; Forró, L.; Krapinski, J.; Rullier-Albenque, F.
Matthiessen's rule in MgB(2) : Resistivity and T(c) as a function of point defect concentration. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 76 (2007) , 134; 132504-1-132504-3 (članak, znanstveni). 
48. Kezsmarki, I.; Mihaly, G.; Gaal, R.; Barišić, Neven; Akrap, Ana; Berger, H.; Forro, Laszlo; Homes, C. C.; Mihaly, L.
Separation of orbital contributions to the optical conductivity of BaVS3.. // Physical Review Letters. 96 (2006) ; 186402/1-4 (članak, znanstveni).
49. van Heumen, E.; Lortz, R.; Kuzmenko, A.B.; Carbone, F.; van der Marel, D.; Zhao, X.; Yu, G.; Cho, Y.; Barišić, Neven; Greven, M.; Homes, C.C.; Đorđević, S.V.
Optical and thermodynamic properties of the high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+delta. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75 (2006) ; 054522-1-054522-10 (članak, znanstveni).  
50. Zhao, X.; Yu, G.; Cho, Y.; Chabot-Couture, G.; Barisic, Neven; Bourges, P.; Kaneko, N.; Li, Y.; Lu, L.; Motoyama, E. M.; Vajk O. P.; Greven, M.
Crystal growth and characterization of the model high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ. // Advanced Materials. 18 (2006) , 24; 3243-3247 (članak, znanstveni).
51. Kezsmarki, I.; Mihaly, G.; Gaal, R.; Barišić, Neven; Berger, H.; Forro, L.; Homes, C.C.; Mihaly, L.
Pressure-induced suppression of the spin-gapped insulator phase in BaVS3: an infrared optical study. // Physical Review B.. 71 (2005) , 19; 1-4 (članak, znanstveni).
52. Caimi, G.; Degiorgi, L.; Berger, H.; Barišić, Neven; Forro, Laszlo; Bussy, F.
Optical evidence for the proximity to a spin-density-wave metallic state in Na0.7CoO2. // European Physical Journal B. 40 (2004) , 3; 231-234 (članak, znanstveni).
53. Mitrović, S.; Perfetti, L.; Sondergaard, C.; Margaritondo, G.; Grioni, M.; Barišić, Neven; Forro, Laszlo; Degiorgi, L.
Electronic structure of a quasi-one-dimensional insulator : the molybdenum red bronze K0.33MoO3. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 69 (2004) , 3; 035102-1-035102-6 (članak, znanstveni). 
54. Perucchi, A.; Sondergaard, C.; Mitrović, S.; Grioni, M.; Barišić, Neven; Berger, H.; Forro, Laszlo; Degiorgi, L.
Spectroscopic and dc-transport investigations of the electronic properties of TaSe3. // European Physical Journal B. 39 (2004) , 4; 433-440 (članak, znanstveni).
55. Barišić, Neven; Forro, Laszlo; Mandruš, D.; Jin, R.; He, J.; Fazekas, P.
Electrical properties of Cd2Re2O7 under pressure. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 67 (2003) , 24; 245112-1-245112-8 (članak, znanstveni). 
56. Miko, C.; Milas, M.; Seo, J.W.; Couteau, E.; Barišić, Neven; Gaal, R.; Forro, L.
Effect of electron irradiation on the electrical properties of fibers of aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes. // Applied Physics Letters. 83 (2003) , 22; 4622-4624 (članak, znanstveni).
57. Barišić, Neven; Gaal, R.; Kezsmarki, I.; Mihaly, G.; Forro, Laszlo.
Pressure dependence of the thermoelectric power of single-walled carbon nanotubes. // Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 65 (2002) , 24; (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni). 
Ostali radovi u CC časopisima
1. Grbić, M. S.; Požek, M.; Paar, D.; Hinkov, V.; Raichle, M.; Haug, D.; Keimer, B.; Barišić, N.; Dulčić, A.
Reply to “Comment on ‘Temperature range of
superconducting fluctuations above Tc in
YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals' ”. // Physical review. B.. 102 (2020) , 17; (komentar, znanstveni). 
2. Barišić, Neven; Chan, M K; Veit, M J; Dorow, C J; Ge, Y; Li, Y; Tabis, W; Tang, Y; Yu, G; Zhao, X; Greven, M.
Evidence for a universal Fermi-liquid scattering rate
throughout the phase diagram of the copper-oxide
superconductors. // New journal of physics. 21 (2019) , 11; (članak, ostalo).
3. Beyer, R.; Barišić, Neven; Dressel, M.
Charge-density fluctuations probed by vibronic modes of K0.3MoO3. // Physica. B, Condensed matter. 407 (2012) , 11; 1823-1826 (konferencijsko priopćenje, znanstveni).  
4. Dressel, Martin; Wu, Dan; Barišić, Neven; Gorshunov, Boris.
Looking at the superconducting gap of iron pnictides. // Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 72 (2011) , 5; 514-518 (konferencijsko priopćnje, znanstveni). 
5. Popčević, Petar; Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Smontara, Ana; Dolinšek, J.; Gottlieb-Schönmeyer, S.
Transport properties of YbCu4.4 giant-unit-cell metallic compound. // Croatica chemica acta. 83 (2010) , 1; 69-73 (kongresno priopčenje, znanstveni).
6. Wu, D.; Barišić, Neven; Drichko, N.; Kallina, P.; Faridian, A.; Gorshunov, B.; Dressel, M.; Li, X. Lin, L.J.; Cao, G.H.; Xu, Z.A.
Superfluid density of Ba(Fe1-xMx)(2)As-2 from optical experiments. // Physica. C, Superconductivity. 470 (2010) , S1; S399-S400 (konferencijsko priopćenje, znanstveni).  
7. Baenitz, M.; Lüders, K.; Maurer, D.; Barišić, Neven; Cho, Y.; Li, Y.; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Greven, M.
Vortex dynamics in single crystal Hg-1201. // Physica. C, Superconductivity. 469 (2009) , 15/20; 1126-1128 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni). 
8. Fazekas, P.; Penc, K.; Radnóczi, K.; Barišić, Neven; Berger, H.; Forró, László; Mitrović, S.; Gauzzi, A.; Demkó, L.; Kézsmárki, I.; Mihály, G.
The electronic structure and the phases of BaVS3. // Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 310 (2007) , 2/I; 928-930 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).  
9. Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Smontara, Ana; Forro, Laszlo.
Thermoelectric power in Bi2Sr2Ca1-xPrxCu2O8+delta in a wide temperature range. // Strojarstvo. 48 (2006) , 1/2; 39-44 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).
10. Gauzzi, A.; Licci, F.; Barišić, Neven; Calestani, G.L.; Bolzoni, F.; Gilioli, E.; Marezio, M.; Sanna, A.; Franchini, C.; Forro, Laszlo.
Chemical pressure-induced ferromagnetism and stabilization of the metallic state in Ba1-xSrxVS3. // International journal of modern physics B. 17 (2003) , 18/20; 3503-3508 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u drugim časopisima
1. Popčević, Petar; Pelc, Damjan; Tang, Yang; Velebit, Kristijan; Anderson, Zachary; Nagarajan, Vikram; Yu, Guichuan; Požek, Miroslav; Barišić, Neven; Greven, Martin.
Percolative nature of the direct-current paraconductivity in cuprate superconductors. // npj Quantum Materials. 3 (2018) ; (članak, znanstveni). 
2. Baenitz, M.; Luders, K.; Barišić, Neven; Cho, Y.; Li. Y.; Yu, G.; Zhao, X.; Greven, M.
Flux creep relaxation in single crystal Hg-1201. // Journal of physics. Conference series. 234 (2010) ; 1-6 (conference paper, znanstveni).
3. Stanić, Denis; Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Dolinšek, J.; Bilušić, Ante; Lukatela, Jagoda; Leontić, Boran; Smontara, Ana.
Low-temperature transport properties of the
epsilon-phases Al-Pd-(Mn, Fe, Co, Rh, ...). // Materiali in tehnologije. 42 (2008) , 3; 105-110 (kongresno priopćenje, znanstveni).
4. Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije; Požek, Miroslav; Paar, Dalibor.
Microwave conductivity of thin YBCO film in magnetic field. // Fizika A . 8 (1999) , 4; 245-252 (članak, znanstveni).
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.
1. Miko, C.; Milas, M.; Seo, J.W.; Couteau, E.; Barišić, Neven; Gaal, R.; Forro, Laszlo.
Effect of irradiation on aligned carbon nanotube fibers // .
2004. 107-110 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Sažeci u zbornicima skupova
1. Reddy, Priyanka; Tolj, Davor; Ivšić, Trpimir; Novak, Mario; Penić, Nikolina; Zivković, Ivica; Akrap, Ana; Klebel-Knobloch, Benjamin; Lončarić, Ivor; Forró, László; Barišić, Neven; Ronnow, Henrik M.; Sunko, Denis K.
Murunskite: the bridge between Cuprates and
Pnictides // .
100-100 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
2. Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Smontara, Ana; Jaćimović, J.; Martino, E.; Živković, Ivica; H. Berger, H.; Sidorenko, A.; Rønnow; H.; Barišić, Neven; Forró, L.; Tutiš, Eduard.
Interactions and magnetic ordering in Co1/3NbS2 // Solid-State Science & Research Meeting.
Zagreb, 2019. 54-54 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
3. Tomeš, P.; Ikeda, T.; Eguchi, G.; . Baitinger, M.; , Nguyen, D.; Mihalković, M.; Popčević, Petar; Allio5, C.; Krellner, C.; P.-F. Lory, P.F.; Pailhes, S.; Giordano, V.M.; Euchner, H.; Smontara, Ana; Barišić, Neven; , Boissieu, Marc de; Grin, Y.; S. Paschen, S.
Anisotropic heat and charge transport in the cubic clathrate Ba8Au6-xGe40+x. // 21st International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements / SCTE 18 , Programme und Abstracts / Bauer ; Ernst ; Müller, Herbert (ur.).
Beč : Institute of Solid State Physics Technische Universität Wien, 2018. 97-97 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
4. Petar Popčević; Marija Sorić; Peter Gille; Neven Barišić; Ana Smontara.
Magneto-transport properties of single crystal SnSe thermoelectric // C-MAC Days 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia, 21-23 November / de Boissieu, Marc ; Mihalković, Marek ; Svec, Peter (ur.).
Bratislava : VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovac Academy of Science, 2016. C-14-C-14 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
5. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Berger, H.; Dressel, M.; Smontara, Ana; Barišić, Neven; Forró, Laszlo; Tutiš, Eduard.
Imprints of nanostructured and Mott phase in optical phonons and continua of 1T-TaS2 // International school and workshop on electronic crystals (ECRYS 2014) : abstracts / Kirova, N. (ur.).
Orsay : University Paris-sud (pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
6. Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Velebit, Kristijan; Živković, Ivica; Barišić, Neven; Tutiš, Eduard; Smontara, Ana; Sidorenko, J.; Jaćimović, J.; Tsyrulin, N.; Piatek, J.; Berger, H.; Forro, Laszlo.
Evolution of electronic scattering on frustrated magnetic system under pressure // From Solid State Physics to Biophysics, ABSTRACTS of the 7th conference.
(pozvano predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
7. Popčević, Petar; Barišić, Neven; Krellner, Kornelius; Buehler-Paschen, Silke; Grin, Yuri; Smontara, Ana.
Investigation of Ba8Au5.25Ge40.3□0.45 under hydrostatic pressure // New thermoelectric materials: Thermoelectrics 2013.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
8. Barišić, N.; Chan, M. K.; Yu, G.; Li, Y.; Zhao, X.; Dressel, M.; Smontara, A.; Greven, M.
Universal sheet resistance of the cuprate superconductors // Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting 2013 Volume 58, Number 1.
(predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
9. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Peligrad, D.-N.; Požek, Miroslav; Sasagawa, T.; Greven, M.; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije.
Mikrovalna fluktuacijska vodljivost u supravodiču LaSrCuO // Knjiga sažetaka 8. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva / Miroslav Požek, Ticijana Ban, Ante Bilušić, Predrag Dominis Prester, Andreja Gajović, Krešimir Kumerički, Ivana Kurečić, Nenad Pavin, Vanja Radolić, Suzana Szilner, Eduard Tutiš (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 2013. 118-118 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
10. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Smontara, Ana; Berger, Helmuth; Forro, Laszlo; Batistić, Ivo; Barišić, Neven; Dressel, Martin; Tutiš, Eduard.
Optički odziv nano-teksturirane i Mottove faze 1T-TaS2 // Knjiga sažetaka, 8. znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva.
2013. (predavanje,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
11. Popčević, Petar; Jaćimović, J.; Bilušić, Ante; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Batistić, Ivo; Piatek, J.; Tsyrulin, Regnault, L.-P.; N.; Barišić, Neven; Forró, L.
Electronic Scattering on Frustrated Magnetic System: From Antiferromagnetism to the Kondo State in Co1/3NbS2 Under Pressure // Electronic States and Physers Induced by Electric or Optical Impacts.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni). 
12. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Peligrad, Dragos; Požek, Miroslav; Sasagawa, Takao; Greven, Martin; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije.
Low frequency response of superconducting fluctuations in La2-xSrxCuO4 // .
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
13. Popčević, Petar; Smiljanić, Igor; Bilušić, Ante; Smontara, Ana; Batistić, Ivo; Berger, H.; Jačimović, J.; Forró, L.; Barišić, Neven; Tutiš, Eduard.
Magnetic ordering of Co0.33NbS2 under pressure // "Physics of Low-Dimensional Conductors: Problems and Perspectives" Program and Abstracts / Balog, Ivan ; Barišić, Osor S. ; Smontara, Ana (ur.).
Zagreb : Institut za fiziku, 2012. 56-56 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
14. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Forró, L.; Dressel, M.; Barišić, Neven.
THE NANO-TEXTURED PHASE OF 1T-TaS2 PROBED BY OPTICAL CONDUCTIVITY // Electronic States and Physes Induced by Electric or Optical Impacts.
Orsay, 2012. (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni). 
15. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Tutiš, Eduard; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Forró, L.; Eichler, M.; Wu, D.; Barišić, Neven; Dressel, M.
Optical conductivity of the nano-textured phase in 1T-TaS2 // "Physics of Low-Dimensional Conductors: Problems and Perspectives", Program and Abstracts / Balog, Ivan ; Barišić, Osor, S. ; Smontara, Ana (ur.).
Zagreb : Institut za fiziku, 2012. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
16. Barišić, Neven; Smiljanić, Igor; Popčević, Petar; Bilušić, Ante; Tutiš, Eduard; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Jačimović, J.; Yuli, O.; Berger, H.; Forró, Laszlo.
Mjerenja transportnih svojstava Co1/3NbS2 u ekstremnim uvjetima // Znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, Knjiga sažetaka (7 ; 2011 ; Primošten).
(poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
17. Barišić, Neven; Wu, D.; Dressel, M.
Fermi-liquid resistvity in the normal state of iron-pnictides // E-MRS 2011 FALL MEETING September 19 - 23, 2011 Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
(predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
18. Popčević, Petar; Smiljanić, Igor; Bilušić, Ante; Smontara, Ana; Batistić, Ivo; Berger, H.; Gaal, R.; Jačimović, J.; Yuli, O.; Forró, L.; Tutiš, Eduard; Barišić, Neven.
Pressure study of Co1/3NbS2 // The Second international workshop on "Recent advances in broad-band solid-state NMR of correlated electronic systems" (2 ; 2011 ; Trogir).
23-23 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
19. Grbić, Mihael S.; Požek, Miroslav; Paar, Dalibor; Hinkov, V.; Raichle, M.; Haug, D.; Keimer, B.; Barišić, Neven; Dulčić, Antonije.
Doseg supravodljivih fluktuacija iznad kritične temperature Tc u monokristalima YBa2Cu3O7‐delta // 7. znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva / Gajović, Andrea (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 2011. (predavanje,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
20. Petar Popčević; Barišić, Neven; Forró, L.; Tutiš, Eduard; Smontara, Ana.
Mjerenja u ekstremnim uvjetima - visoki tlakovi,
visoka magnetska polja, široki temperaturni opseg // Znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, Knjiga sažetaka (7 ; 2011 ; Primošten).
72-72 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
21. Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Smontara, Ana; Wu, D.; M. Dressel, M.; Cao, G. H.; Xu, Z-A.; Barišić, Neven.
Observation of the Fermi Liquid Behavior in 122-Ironpnictides // Abstract book, Recent advances in broad-band solid-state NMR of correlated electronic systems (1 ; 2010 ; Trogir).
68-68 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni). 
22. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Barišić, Neven; Požek, Miroslav; Kupčić, Ivan; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Dressel, Martin; Dulčić, Antonije; Greven, Martin.
Superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap in HgBa2CuO4+delta single crystals // 429. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Microwaves for Condensed Matter Physics 2009 / Scheffler, Marc ; Dressel, Martin (ur.).
Bad Honnef : Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 2009. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
23. Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Požek, Miroslav; Dulčić, Antonije; Barišić, Neven; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Dressel, Martin; Greven, Martin.
Anisotropy and Dimensional Nature of Superconductivity in HgBa2CuO4+δ // Abstracts Book of the 9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S-Tokyo 2009) / Akimitsu, Jun ; Fukuyama, Hide (ur.).
Tokyo : ICS Convention Design, Inc., 2009. PS-A-7-PS-A-7 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
24. Požek, Miroslav; Grbić, Mihael S.; Dulčić, Antonije; Kupčić, Ivan; Barišić, Neven; Li, Yuan; Greven, Martin.
Osjetljivost mikrovalnih mjerenja kod poluprozirnih supravodljivih uzoraka // Knjiga sažetaka 6. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskoga fizikalnog društva / Antunović , Željko ; Bilić, Nevenko ; Bogdanović Radović, Iva ; Buljan, Hrvoje ; Cvetovac, Damir ; Dominis Prester, Dijana ; Horvatić, Davor ; Kralj, Marko Kralj ; Miljanić, Đuro ; Milošević, Slobodan ; Paar, Dalibor ; Szilner, Suzana ; Vuković, Branko (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, 2009. (predavanje,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
25. Požek, Miroslav; Grbić, Mihael Srđan; Dulčić, Antonije; Barišić, Neven; Li, Yuan; Zhao, Xudong; Dressel, Martin; Greven, Martin.
Anisotropy of critical fields in HgBa2CuO4+delta // 429. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Microwaves for Condensed Matter Physics 2009 / Scheffler, Marc ; Dressel, Martin (ur.).
Bad Honnef : Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 2009. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
26. Grbić M. S.; Požek M.; Dulčić A.; Barišić N.
Anisotropic properties, pseudogap and superconducting gap opening in Hg1201 determined by microwave measurements // Abstracts of Ampere NMR School 19.-28. June 2008., Poznan/Wierzba, Poland / Jurga, Stefan (ur.).
Poznań : Adam Mieckiewicz University, 2008. (poster,sažetak,stručni).
27. Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Bilušć, Ante; Smontara, Ana.
High pressure study of transport properties of CMA // Frontiers in complex metallic alloys CMA- Zagreb'08, Program and Abstracts / Smontara, Ana (ur.).
Zagreb, 2008. 61-61 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni). 
28. Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Forro, Laszlo.
Transportna svojstva Co1/3NbS2 pod visokim tlakom // Knjiga sažetaka 5. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva (5 ; 2007 ; Primošten).
(poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
29. Stanić, Denis; Bilušić, Ante; Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Bihar, Željko; Lukatela, Jagoda; Ivkov, Jovica; Leontić, Boran; Smontara, Ana.
Niskotemperaturna transportna svojstva kompleksnih metalnih spojeva // Knjiga sažetaka 5. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva (5 ; 2007 ; Primošten).
53-53 (poster,domaća recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
30. Garaj, Slaven; Sienkiewicz, Andrzej; Bilušić, Ante; Barišić, Neven; Forro, Laszlo.
Gradual metal-insulator transition in extended pressure region in doped fullerenes // Bulletin of the American Physical Society / Baudrau, Donna M. (ur.).
Montréal : American Physical Society, 2004. 1071-1071 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
Neobjavljena sudjelovanja na skupovima
1. Smiljanić, Igor; Barišić, Neven; Bilušić, Ante; Smontara, Ana; Berger, H.; Forro, Laszlo.
High pressure transport study of Co1/3NbS2 // School and Workshop on Highly Frustrated Magnets and Strongly Correlated Systems: From Non-Pertubative Approaches to Experiments, Trst, Italija, 30.07-17.08.2007.
(poster,međunarodna recenzija,neobjavljeni rad,znanstveni).
Diplomski radovi